Soteria Process
Youth Sports, Youth Sport Safety

Five Important Policies to Have in Place at Your Youth Sports Club

- Soteria Advisors, LLC

Be proactive and prepared!

When you think of youth sports you probably imagine sidelines filled with parents, sunny days and lots of little smiling faces. All of this is true, but making sure your club has everything in place to protect those little smiling faces falls on the shoulders of the board members and volunteers who help run the club. Those who volunteer for these clubs know it’s no small feat. There are many things to consider, but below are five important policies that your youth sports clubs must have in place to protect your players, coaches, and board members.

  1. Child Abuse Prevention. These should include details on who needs to be cleared, how to obtain and maintain clearances, who will be responsible for maintaining clearances for your club, and information on mandated reporting.
  2. Codes of Conduct. You need a code of conduct for all members - players, coaches, and spectators. These should spell out expected behavior, zero tolerance for bullying and harassment, and the process by which one can report a member that may be in violation.
  3. Emergency Action Plans. Injuries, illness, accidents, and intruders are all possibilities that need to be planned for. A coach that is prepared and has information at the ready during an emergency makes a big difference.
  4. Environmental Protocols. Heat, cold, and storms are all regular occurrences during the season that need to be addressed. At the very least, you need a lightning protocol that is strictly enforced.
  5. Communication Rules. One-on-one interactions between coaches and players, emails, and texts should all be discussed. Having a few clear rules protects both the child and the adult equally.

None of the above is fun, or glitzy, but it is paramount to have in place. It’s too late to think about this after an incident occurs. Well run youth sports clubs plan, are proactive, and prepare for accidents and incidents before they happen.

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