Youth sports is a $19 billion industry - yes, that is larger than the NFL. The majority of these organizations are run by volunteers, so it is imperative to have the correct policies and procedures in place to mitigate your risk of litigation. Soteria Advisors works in the background to address the issues and risks the average volunteer is not even aware of. We will help your organization create clear guidelines and expectations for coaches, volunteers, players and board members.
When you hire Soteria Advisors, you will receive a Current Policy and Best Practices Assessment. We will then develop custom policy and procedure manuals that house all of your information in one spot. When it comes to child abuse prevention, Soteria Advisors can create, run and maintain your entire paid/volunteer clearance review program throughout the year.
In the event an incident occurs that you need specialized guidance, we can lend credibility to your findings and response by completing an independent investigation. These investigations preserve working relationships and give you the information you need to make sound decisions.
Soteria Advisors will evaluate your club for risks and put preventative measures into place prior to the unthinkable happening.